Nothing happened. Few mountains disappeared, few Pandas were killed. Environmental damage. A la Balakote style.

Okay, we get it:

No PLA soldier was hurt.🙄

Script courtesy D̶G̶ DJISPR😊
The Beetroot Manchurian takes umbrage to beetroot being used to highlight the embarassment he has faced.

So, slowly builds up narrative to prep public on 'deaths'.

Its a two pronged approach.

1. To build public for acceptance of PLA KIA at LAC.

2. To project a 'victory'
The reserve, of keeping the sentiment in public for defence, is always there - launch of offensive operations to take few areas from India.

For now, its the former. Declaration of a victory - for now.
On Indian side, attracted a lot of brickbats for stating on June 12th 2020 that 'no territory loss' will be pushed out & new status of LAC will be accepted.

Well, that is the case. Status quo ante - gone.

New staus quo, will hold, for now.
GoI, in the interim, needs to re-look at ITBP & its operational control.

And MHA needs to introspect.

There are lot of skeletons in that closet there.
As for MEA, the babus need a scrutiny. A pervasive thought of saying in negotiations that border is not delineated with China while telling Indians that Simla Convention of 1914 is valid, smacks of some rot.

That needs a thorough cleaning.

This 👆 is the "thought" now.
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