Today, the House will vote on my resolution ( #HRes908) that condemns anti-Asian sentiment related to #COVID19. @realDonaldTrump's use of China Virus & Kung Flu 2 describe the virus have scapegoated #AAPIs as carriers of the new coronavirus. This is wrong & dangerous.

A thread 1/
Last month, @A3PCON released its national report that shows the severity of wrongfully describing #COVID19 as "China Virus", "Kung Flu", or "Wuhan Virus".

From March to May, there were 2,583 reports of anti-Asian incidents.

It is likely there are many unreported acts too. 2/
The majority of hate incidents in the national report were verbal harassment at 70.6%, followed by shunning at 21.8%, and physical assault at 8.7%.

These statistics came from 47 states with the highest number of cases in California (46%), NY (14%), and WA (4%).

Words have consequences.

The following anecdotes from the national report reveal an ugly truth of what Asian Americans faced who reported their experiences with verbal or physical harassment. 4/
Example 1: Two Korean American grandparents walking with their granddaughter were subjected to verbal harassment. #HRes908 5/
Example 2: An Asian American woman had Lysol sprayed on her and was told to "Go Home" in Georgia. No one helped her. #HRes908 6/
Example 3: A business establishment in Contra Costa, CA displayed a sign saying "Fresh Bat Soup, Thank You China." #HRes908 7/
Example 4: An Asian American family in #Queens, #NY heard "Welcome to Wuhan Lane" while walking down the street. #HRes908 8/
These are just a few anecdotes of the tragic results of falsely describing #COVID19.

Passing #HRes908 sends a unified message that such bigotry, hatred & xenophobia will not be tolerated.

We're a country of immigrants and we must do better.

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