Busy, so a short non-political thread that I would LOVE to spend my day discussing with you instead of politics.
1) I need to pray for you guys more. How can I pray for you?

I can't promise I'll always be faithful to pray for you (I'm awful at this) but I want to try.
2) Bible study on Saturday. Need to edit video today and prep for the discussion portion of it. Those folks deserve a better (read: more organized with more time) leader than me.

If you want to be a part of it, message me.
3) I think our foster kiddo is going home next month. He's starting the transition process now. Gosh, he's cute and we sure do love him. It's going to be hard to say goodbye, especially for my wife.

...but, I am glad to report that he's going home to a Dad that loves him and wants to do right by him. Also, Dad asked the caseworkers to ask us if we could stay involved. Babysit, visit, etc. I'm pleased about this. Hoping for evangelistic opportunities & to stay in touch.
While I'm on the subject, please pray for our kid's Mom. She's not a terrible person, and it kinda breaks my heart to see her lose her boy. But she's made some bad decisions and doesn't seem able to overcome them right now.
The kiddo deserves better and I'm praising God it seems he's going to get that chance.
4) Looking forward to Thursday Night Football tonight, mostly because I'm heavily invested in Chubb/Mixon/Beckham for fantasy. If those 3 don't get it going, I'm not going to have a good year.
Gotta go! Have a good day, everyone.
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