It's been a while since I've done some #microfiction, so: comment to hear about the peculiar flower that is named after you.
PASSERNINUS OCCULUTUS, aka Perching or Perching Secrets. Tiny, unassuming, bluish-white petals and pale striped leaves. Most commonly found growing in the soft, tender spot behind the ear of someone with something to hide.
RUBIACEAE PANIFEX, or Baker's Blood. Bright purple-red flowers on a climbing vine, grows in rocky soil enriched with bone meal. Can be brewed into dye that smells like the bakeshop you visited once with your grandmother, but cannot recall the name of.
LEONIS IGNIFOLIUM, aka Brightlion. Exceedingly rare, found only in northern boreal forests. Blossoms and leaves are actual flames, which can make cultivation difficult.
LILIUM NEOLUX, or Neon Lily. One of the first observed flowers that transforms from a solid form at germination to a gaseous form during growth and pollination stages. Can give off electric shocks if disturbed, or simply annoyed.
HYDATELLACEAE FERO, or Swamp Molly. An aquatic plant with conical purple flowers. Curious defensive ability; when threatened, it curses predators with lycanthropy. Considering its poisonous nature to canids, researchers nicknamed it the "I'm Taking You With Me" Flower
SKIMMIA SARKASMOS, aka Patrick's Bane. Small and unassuming evergreen shrub with dense clusters of white flowers. Its crushed flowers release a pungent oil, used in perfumes that make everything its wearer says sound like devastatingly withering sarcasm.
ECHIUM MARTINALIS, or Echoweed. Bright purple conical flowers, flourishes in rocky soil and disturbed ground. If you sit quietly in a patch, you'll find yourself remembering kind things friends & strangers once told you, and maybe even believing them.
PASSIFLORA NIBEDITA, or bluecrown, is a wildly colorful, beautiful night-blooming vine. MUSONYCTERIS CIPRII, aka the mustached banana bat, is its main pollinator. The bats are attracted by bluecrowns' vivid beauty, delicious nectar, and terrible puns.
SALVIA SYLVANUS, or sage's staff, is native to the eastern forests, but has since spread westward. Sprigs of S. Sylvanus were commonly used by hedge witch/wizards/widgets to ward off swamp trolls and bad vibes.
GENTIANA KAROLINA, or wandering fedyk, is one of the few truly migratory flower plants. In the heat of summer, the violet trumpet-shaped flowers inflate like balloons, and the winds carries the plant from alpine hillsides to its forested wintering ground.
ASCLEPIAS CRYPTOSPINA, or creeping andrew, is one of the few species of plant to grow SOLELY in cemeteries. Its rich purple blossoms prefer the graves of corrupted souls, sending thick roots down to disturb the skeletons of the assholes resting there.
KANIA MILVUUS, or kiteflower, is an atmophyte that grows on the underside of cumulonimbus clouds. They are cultivated by the Zyzivyyx, a race of electro-sentient beings, who exchange kiteflowers in complicated rituals. They come in every imaginable color
LYTHRUM LACUNAE, or Wallace's loosestrife. A water-loving plant with purple conical blooms that loves liminal spaces and damp soils, often found at the edges of magical ponds and secret doorways. Edible, but will make you dream of worlds you've yet to see
SOLANUM ADRIANUS, or seagoing nightshade. Pale violet blossoms and bright red fruits, prized by seafarers as a navigational tool. Its flowers always point towards a ruined Etruscan village, whose inhabitants mysteriously disappeared in the 6th century CE.
INDIGOFERA GUAY, or Sam's indigo. A unique species in the indigo family, it produces a synesthetic additive for dyes that translates a cloth's color and and texture into musical tones when worn. Held holy by practitioners of several ecstatic religions.
PLEIOBLASTUS ALPINOCTIS, or Guan's Bamboo. Its once-a-century blooms are prized by chefs for their indefinable flavor. Its taste has been likened to watching the moon emerge from a cloudbank, drowning in a warm bath, and "limes, but like, made of lava?"
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