If you are exhausted from chronic stress, a few tips:

- 1) Forgive yourself for it. Don’t waste time feeling negative. Simply allow for the fact that the body is communicating its needs to you. Meet the need, heal your energy.
2- Consider any possible health cause like anemia or thyroid dysfunction or a hidden infection or immmune challenge. If you are exhausted because your body is struggling with a condition, heal that condition asap for your path forward.
3-Stress depletes the nutrients you need for stress management. If you’ve been under severe or chronic stress physically or mentally, you can feel much better by replenishing. Overeating is a common response to stress but so is wasting away, depending on the person’s biochemistry
4- So don’t overdo it & definitely avoid excessive junk in your diet as it will sap your health & energy but Do use nutritional support to replenish what fuel your body needs to keep going. High quality nourishment & vitamins can bring strength back.
5- If possible, allow yourself to be swaddled in love, protection, support & care for a time. A safe place to fall for awhile is important in relieving the bodymind of the need to remain hypervigilant. Even regular daily respites where this is possible for a time can bring relief
6- Exercise is an excellent daily habit to maintain and an excellent stress reliever but if you are without sleep or malnourished or fighting a health problem, overexertion may counterproductively weaken you. WHEN you are well rested & refueling well, continue your workouts.
7- Adaptogen herbs can be a life-changing intervention. For men, red ginseng is first line recommendation but for women it might be eleuthero aka siberian or a hormone adapter like dong quai angelica esp in the first half of your cycle. Ginger is very safe and beneficial to all.
8- There are lots of forms of ginsengs and other adaptogens available. Tea is a cheap and effective form that is easy to control as a dose. A good way to experiment. Try a strong-brewed cup of ginseng tea or a commercially prepared ginseng drink every morning during your stress.
9- The more your adrenal function is affected by the stress you’ve been under, the more ginseng, ginger, & other herbs will be crucial to restore your energy. They can be life saving in helping you cope with the effects of cortisol and other stress.
10- Chronic stress can waste your muscles but also make it difficult for you to digest protein or fibrous foods. Consider an inexpensive digestive enzyme (the store brand Wholezyme at Whole Foods is ten bucks). You need protein. Sometimes veg protein is easier to digest, try miso
11- Magnesium, by capsule, body spray or lotion, or via epsom salt bath. Its depleted & needed during stress. B & C vites such as in EmergenC powder drink are an excellent boost of energy. Extra zinc helps if you’re healing a cut or illness. Take w/ food or may upset stomach.
12- Pamper yourself physically with massage and luxurious bathing hydrotherapy. Take naps. Savor sensory experiences. Breathe deeply. Feast your ears on beautiful music that is harmonizing not jarring. Take in sights of nature. Surround yourself with things that soothe the soul.
13- Apply a sense of humour liberally. Even dark humour. Let laughter release tension & help you see the absurdity in even tragic situations. Things may still be serious but laughing helps transmute the effects psychologically. It gives you power to remain spiritually undefeated
14- If you are lonely during lockdown, focus not on absence or distance but on the presence of those in your Life, if not your proximity. Affirm that they are With you, even if not near you. Affirm that you have friends & companions in life that are connected to you now.
15- Express physical and emotional tension if you’re wound up. Yell if it won’t alarm your neighbours. Punch a punching bag. Sing loudly the best singalong music you know. Make something with your hands. Tell your story to a therapist. Express emotions; have outlets.
16- Prioritize pain management at least. You can’t do much productive if in severe pain. Be careful not to use too much addictive pharmaceuticals but please Do take the edge off pain. It debilitates the mind, causes depression & crowds your mind, prevents focus.
17- Get enough pain relief to cope & take the edge off then switch tactics to healing the root cause of your pain and try more wholistic methods. Explore acupuncture & shiatsu, spiritual practice, grounding in nature, gentle stretches all day to relieve tension, all modalities.
17- Recognize that severe ongoing stress is like having a chronic health condition. Invest in healing yourself every day. Ideally, fix or get away from the situations causing your stress! But while you are working on that, take excellent care of you! Defend your health now.
18- Lavishing yourself with tender loving care is not selfish or a waste of time under these conditions ever. It is survival. It helps you cope. Consider yourself to be in stress rehab. Depleted adrenals in particular can take many months to fully heal. Start now.
19- Hydrate! Yet with mineral water like Evian or sparkling water - or add electrolytes like a pinch of salt or add lemons/limes or other spashes of juice to your water. Staying hydrated doesn’t work without electrolytes.
20- Ask for help and allow yourself to receive it. Don’t self-sabotage. Use public resources, friends and friends of friends, government benefits, private dogooder organizations or anything else you can uncover to help you survive, revive, & thrive. Allow your angels. 🙏🏻✨
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