Here’s a lil morning rant for you: For lack of better wording, stop being fucking weirdos in streamers’ chats and with donations. Speaking from what I’ve seen on Twitter and what I witnessed in Charlie’s stream yesterday, some of you need to learn common decency. During that nine
hour stream, I saw people constantly bringing up W*lbur. Although Charlie didn’t say anything, it’s really fucking rude to constantly talk about another streamer. Also, let’s discuss something that personally made me uncomfortable. Stop lying to people who are new to the stream
as a joke. It’s not funny and creates misconceptions about the streamer. For example, Charlie said so many people thought he was gay that he had to explicitly state that he wasn’t, and that’s just... gross. I don’t know if this is a chat problem or just a social media problem,
but stop speculating people’s sexualities as well. Last thing about Charlie, he had to tell his chat during the Among Us stream to stop spamming the bits to speak because it was getting annoying, and he would have to turn it off. Oh, wait. That wasn’t the last thing. Charlie has
certain words muted, and as soon as they were unbanned by mods, people kept spamming vore, and Charlie had to tell them to stop, especially when T*bbo was in chat. Lesson? Don’t spam words that were banned for a reason. Now, moving on to what sparked this thread/rant, Tommy’s
disappointment in his chat and community. As someone who watches Tommy’s streams and tries to be as respectful as possible, this one hurts. So I have basically one thing to say about this: you, as part of the chat, are a representative of the streamer. If you go into someone
else’s chat and spam their name, you are, as Tommy said, making them look bad. So that’s the main problem. The other problem is the weird ass donations that both Tommy and Tubbo get. They are, get this through your head, both literal children. They are not your therapists. They
are not your friends. And they are definitely not people that you are allowed to sexualize. In fact, just don’t sexualize people in general. So yeah. TLDR: Don’t be obnoxious in chat, don’t spam other streamers’ names, don’t donate weird messages, listen to streamers when they
say something is uncomfortable for them, and DON’T SEXUALIZE MINORS.

You can follow @_charlieroot.
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