Okay my mum always refers to there being 'other types of roma' back in poland. We call ourselves galicja roma (probably because of 'galicja' being a historical territory that formed into Poland before it was shared between hungary, slovakia and ukraine)
There's about 5 clans of gypsies here, main 2 being Polska Roma and Bergitka Roma - galicja roma not mentioned as part of 5. My clan are mostly in South Poland, so it's fair to assume we're Bergitka. Also because Polska Roma allegedly came to Poland from Germany in 16th cent'
and therefore have some German loan words in their dialect. While in mine we only have polish/slovak/hungarian words. This matches the stories my elders used to say how we travelled around this area before gypsies were banned by polish law as part of integration efforts.
Since we're ~originally~ Carpathian Roma, we probably came over from Transylvania hence the Romanian % I found in my share of Balkan DNA passed onto me.
Historically gypsies always have our own king or 'sero/baro rom' that dealt with the gadje, these were the kwiek family (who are a pretty noble/famous even today), I read they descend from kalderash! And I'm certain they speak my dialect and i'm related to some of them
I'm still clueless to exactly what clan I am, but ima call myself galicja roma, or a polish gypsy as I have been since living in the UK. It would just be cool to know when and how exactly we all descend from each other
Man what even is the point of this thread. Man's chachess talking to himself like anyone cares
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