why shifting realities is harmful: A THREAD.
shifting realities to sum it up is scripting your life for a different reality whether it be a different version of this dimension or a fictional universe. from what i’ve heard you can do this through multiple methods.
what worries me is that the ones who are doing it are younger people. how is this harmful you ask? doing all this may seem fun and be the dream life you’ve always wanted, but baby this is the one step that will make you derealize.
once you begin to do this, you’ll feel lost in this world. you’ll not want to be here anymore. you’ll get entrapped into this fictional world that you created. you’ll feel that your purpose here is gone. youll drive yourself to the point of doing absolutely anything to stay-
in that reality. sure it seems all fun and games, but when when you’re to the point of derealization and forgetting you actually exist in this world, it will NOT be fun.
what im trying to say is please don’t do this whole shifting realities thing. not only is it harmful to you, it’s harmful to everyone else. doing this will only effect you negatively, physically and mentally.
please just live your life. go outside. make someone smile. pet ur dog. don’t get caught up in a reality that doesn’t exist.
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