okay i’m back on this account bc this is where dwtwt is. i wanna talk about the new whostruggletwt account

i spoke about this yesterday with a group chat but as far as i can see nobody has actually spoken about it so i’m making a thread
first of all, there’s nothing wrong with having a dw themed struggle account, and there never was. idk why the original owner thought that she owned the idea and banned others from making dwstruggle accounts bc that’s ridiculous
like fair enough if they can’t keep running it, but banning the creation of another account by someone else is ???
about a month ago my best friend made a dwstruggle account, this was met with harassment and bullying from a large portion of dwtwt, people calling her ableist and telling her to deactivate
i just don’t understand why last month everyone was so vocal about dwstruggle accounts being “ableist” (it’s not) and saying that it was against the original owners wishes, like why the sudden change of tune on everything??
i don’t think the new account should be met with this kind of backlash, and i’m glad it’s not, but i’m mad because this has come with not even an apology to the last account (which she was forced to delete in less than a day bc of bullying)
actually nobody has even said anything? at all?? about what happened with the last account? it’s like what happened last month hasn’t even registered with this community and you’ve all forgotten that you bullied someone for nothing ??
this whole situation has just brought to light how two-faced and hypocritical dwtwt is, it makes me so mad that everyone would witch hunt someone in august and then suddenly all want to be a part of the new account and want to be featured on it
i know i’m not even a part of dwtwt anymore, and honestly after seeing how hypocritical this community is i don’t want to be a part of it again
sorry if this thread is all over the place, i’m just mad about it and also mad at myself for not saying stuff sooner bc this really isnt acceptable
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