Janeu (Yajñopavit)

How many threads are there in janeu ( Yajñopavit ) and what is the importance of threads?

We have seen many people tie a thread from left shoulder to right hand this thread is called Janeu.
Janeu is made up of three thread This is called Yajñopavit in Sanskrit, which is wrap around their left shoulder and under right hand. This is sacred thread which is made up of cotton. It is wrapped up in such way that it stays above left shoulder.
Symbolic meaning of Yajñopavīta, it is in left shoulder, it represents responsibility, the thread goes over heart towards waist, thread going over heart represent carrying that responsibility wholeheartedly and knot at waist represents dedication.
Why 3 threads?

Janeu has mainly 3 threads in it. These three threads are symbol of Devrina, Pitrarina, Rishirina and these also symbolize Satva, Raja, Tam. It is also a symbol of three parts of Gayatri Mantra.
This is also a symbol of three Ashrams, in Sanyas ashram it is taken off.

9 Threads: There are 3 threads in every thread of Janeu that's how the number of threads become nine.
There are total nine openings in body including mount, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one
for urine and one anus.

5 knots: There are 5 knots in Yagyopaveet which are the symbol of Brahm, Dharma, Kama, Artha, Moksha. These also depicts 5 Yajnas, 5 sense organs and PanchKarmas.
This Mantra is chanted while putting on Yajñopavit.
ॐ यज्ञोपवीतं परमं पवित्रं प्रजापतेर्यत्सहजं पुरस्तात्।
आयुष्यमग्रयं प्रतिमुञ्च शुभं यज्ञोपवीतं बलमस्तु तेजः ।।
यज्ञोपवीतमसि यज्ञस्य त्वा यज्ञोपवीतेनोपनह्यामि।। [पार० गृ० २.२.११]
Meaning :- (यज्ञोपवीतं परमं पवित्रम्) Yajñopavit is a very Sacred thread. (यत् पुरस्तात् प्रजापतेः सहज) which is originated in the beginning of the Shrishti along with Prajapati which means it is a Vedic Act and in practice from the beginning.
This Yajñopavit give us (अग्र्यम् आयुष्यम्) Long age(शुभ्रम्) and provide us Great and bright Character(प्रतिमञ्च) And give us Tej and Force(बलं तेजः अस्तु) means we become contained with all these qualities.
(यज्ञोपवीतम असि) This is suitable in putting on in UpvitYajña (यज्ञस्य त्वा) This is why i put it on to do Yajña, Rituals and great Karmas (यज्ञोपवीत उपनयन में) I cover myself with Yajñopavit as well as its Qualities
Only those people were allowed to wear Janeu who were worthy, hence Shudras were not allowed(Here shudra is someone who is not eligible but it isn't birth based but Karma based anyone could go into any varna just by its Karma).
The other reason for Shudras were not allowed is Urine and fieces are high pollutants that come out of our body. It needs to be controlled. This was most important for Brahmins due to functional reasons. This thread acts as a control.
Once you are habit usted, you cant visit toilet until the thread is tied to the ear. But for Shudras, it was not that necessary. Firstly, because of hard labour, their digestive capacity and immunity is very high.
Secondly, unlike Brahmins, they do not stay in temples near the deity, where absolute purity is needed. Thirdly, this practice may create problems for them while on work. Till they find a suitable place with water facility, they can't even urinate.
So they did not requirement this. As you can see, they have not been prohibited. Only their requirement is omitted.

Special Note: Here Shudra dosen't mean for someone born in any specific caste. Caste does not matter in this even caste system is not .
Varna dosen't depend on Birth instead it is based on Karma. So it clearly means that anyone could interchange into varna by changing its Karma

Only after wearing Janeu a Dwij Balak can be perform any Yajnna or Swadhyay.Dwij means born again. Even girls are eligible to wear Janeu
Scientific benefits from Janeu.

before engaging in any activity of excretion people use to tie Janeu on their ear.

there are many health related benefits of it like.
1. It cures Heart related decease, Blood pressure(In Ayurveda blood pressure is not a decease it is related to heart related problems).

2. It strengthens Heart and improve
lood circulation.
3. It prevents the stomach related decease which are the root cause of all type of health problems. It also prevents Piles.

4. It prevents from Skin related problems.

5. Decreases the chances of cancer.

6. It also helps in better sleep.
Our ancestors gave their lives but did not let anyone take their Yajñopavit.

Yajñopavit is more valuable than our lives, its symbol of learning and responsibility, its symbol of our culture

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