In 2017, I sort an elective seat. 2019 I gave birth to my son. In some databases, I'm labeled a young female politician. Since becoming a mother and have a young child I have observed a few things when nominated/ called for trainings. Thread 🧵
I'm a breastfeeding mother, the boobs fill up quick when away from the baby. A full-day training is scheduled and I purpose to attend with my breast pump in my handbag. However, the venue selected by the organizers doesn't have a designated lactating room. I exit the training
A two day out of town training is planned, I ask if you can accommodate my nanny and baby. It's suggested that I leave the baby for two nights to attend the training. I, swiftly give up my slot because that is a rubbish request.
Pumping in a toilet, car, empty conference room is not ok. Never ok. Asking a young mother to attend an out of town training and can't bring her young child is also never ok.
Accessibility matters. I will always pick my comfort first. I will decline to attend trainings, and let you know why. If it's a budget issue, go back to your funder and say we need more money for accessibility.
Otherwise, change the language and say it with your chest- we are looking for young childless female politicians etc. Fin.
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