Badge collectors...1/4

@bannersflags22 made me this banner, @footymishmash kindly included it in his mishmash print.
Many people have asked if they can use the image..feel free.

Now it's your turn to help me help somebody.

I have enlisted @Portersreds to put this in badge form

Wayne has done the donkey work and the badge is in production.
Wayne kindly allowed me to use his designers and suppliers to which I am grateful.
Hopefully available early October.

This is where you hopefully come in...

Down the street & round the corner is a disabled lad who needs constant care, I give him LFC stuff.

His parents are proud people but struggling.

I want to sell this badge and the cost to me in producing it and turn every penny into Morrison's food vouchers.

I will then anonymously post vouchers to their house on a weekly basis to try and make things a bit easier.

I have a lot of time & respect for this family, it makes me realise how lucky I am.

"By the grace of God" is very apt!
You can follow @PaulWilley10.
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