If you've come to hate the Left's cultural projects, then there's no reason to stay on board for the economics. The economics are not going to happen. But as capitalism continues to accelerate, you might well be able to realise your cultural preferences.
Should you move to the Right then? Maybe. If you are alarmed by the Left's cultural projects you might well see the Right's cultural projects as the lesser evil. But I would not count on the Right adopting pro-worker economic policy, there is no reason for this to happen.
I certainly don't what is to be done. All I would advise is to keep thinking critically and independently. You'll need to cut through the flood of bullshit that is already starting to hit. Try to think counter-intuitively and don't make the mistake of thinking you are dealt in.
(clarification: the Left in general might well be able to realise its cultural preferences as capitalism accelerates)
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