Prof. @carlheneghan explains the PCR test.

A positive test, in an asymptomatic person, doesn't tell you if they have an active infection, or if they had it two months ago.

Yet msm and Govt. induce panic, by reporting all positive tests, as "infections"

Shame on them

Pls RT
As you just heard, @carlheneghan talks about the amplification cycles the PCR test uses. Here' a short video the talk more about that
The media reports "new cases" or "new infections", when really, they're just positive tests

#COVID19 policy (lockdowns, #RuleOfSix,etc) is based on this deception.

So what is a positive test with a PCR?

Watch . . .
Anyone who calls a positive test a "new infection" or a "new case" (as the msm and government are doing) is either misinformed or deliberately misleading you to cause fear and make you compliant.

Positive tests, Are NOT "new cases" or "new infections"
Listen to this Professor Emeritus of Immunology, explaining how the PCR test works, and why a positive test is NOT a “new infection"
From the CDC document on the PCR:

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms . . . test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.
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