Harry Potter was a franchise that meant the world to me growing up and into my adulthood. It was a place where I felt safe and could lose myself in. Unfortunately, for me this has been deeply tainted and destroyed by the Author's persistent Transphobia. Something I once held -
- so dearly now brings me great pain and sadness. I understand how Harry Potter still brings a lot of comfort to many, I know it did for me once too. But when consuming the content, defending why you still follow the Author, and remain silent against the Transphobia -
- please remember that Harry Potter is not real but your Trans friends ARE. It's great you have something you feel such joy for, but my god at least acknowledge where and who it comes from. Speak out against her hate and stop guilt tripping Trans people. -
- I am sick of people using their love for a fictional world to justify why it's more important than speaking up for the Trans people in their lives. Like enjoy Harry Potter, but fucking hell.
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