1. Create a direct democracy where anyone can propose/vote on legislation
2. Establish 2 oversight committees to review/ensure the transfer of data and publicize every Americans vote online to create transparency, accountability
3. Establish another committee with veto power...
...which can be overruled by a 75% majority. This committee consists of elected officials.
4. There will still be a president but his only role is commander in chief and foreign diplomacy.
5. Remove all members of the House of Representatives and the senate...
... and give their salaries to the American people in the form of monthly UBI.

In today’s digital age this is 100% possible and I’m convinced that this is what America’s founding fathers would have wanted for us if they had the same technology when the constitution was created.
Great ideas can come from anyone and it’s stupid to limit innovation to 400 or so members of society.
To those worried about your data being manipulated, the current representative democracy is worse. Politicians are manipulated by special interests, campaign lobbying.
If the votes are made public than any firm can run an audit and you can file a dispute if your vote is listed incorrectly. In order for your vote to register you must do 3 things which all have to agree otherwise the vote doesn’t count...
1. Digital poll
2. Submit a video with your vote verbally
3. Fingerprint scan
@elonmusk please read this thread 🙏
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