Dear @MattHancock
I just went to get a Covid test. I didn’t have an appointment, but the staff at the test site had previously told me I didn’t need one (I’ve been before).
I live in London, but your excellent website gave me Aberdeen as my nearest test site. (1/5)
@MattHancock Not fancying a 9 hour drive with a 6 month old baby, I thought I’d simply go back to the site at Olympia where the friendly (underused) staff told me I could come back anytime. (2/5)
@MattHancock I arrived this morning, - only one car ahead of me - and was refused entry. Delightful staff were so apologetic and embarrassed to tell me that I couldn’t go in without an appointment “because the rules changed”. The site was empty. (3/5)
@MattHancock They advised “refreshing the page” but as that’s about as helpful as a squashed apricot, I had to give up. I can’t get a walk-in appointment anywhere. Literally ANYWHERE IN THE UK right now and the drive through situation is obviously laughable. (4/5)
@MattHancock Anyway - I just wanted to tell you that you are a fucking clown, and that I hope when you reach the end of your life you look back and feel a colossal sense of shame. I will spend the rest of mine making sure no-one I know EVER votes Tory. Fuck you (5/5)
As a last hurrah @MattHancock here is the state of your website right now
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