Have you ever wondered why @billmaher made an extremely odd movie in 1991 called Pizza Man, in which he "eliminates" @realDonaldTrump ? Now what are the chances of that? You think some people could see that DJT might ruin the whole setup they had, even back in 91?
If you "write" a movie like this, and cast yourself as someone who heroically gets rid of a thinly veiled stand in for an actual person, you would have to REALLY hate this person.
Actually, I looked it back up to jog my memory, and well, it is not thinly veiled at all, he just went ahead and used the Donald Trump name for movie nemesis.
So what was it about Trump that REALLY effected Maher back then? He knew, that Trump knew what he was all about.
For a bonus round, look up Maher's Production com panties that made the movie. Do you believe he just had this amazing idea about a Pizza movie he was just chomping at the bit to tell you? Or was this in place to tell certain people about something else?
@netflix contact @billmaher if you would like to add some of his KLP features to your library
Now..uh...the actors in this movie weren't deluding themselves that they were going to win acting awards for this, it's on the level of THE ROOM. But you know Maher DID put a lot of effort into his fictional "getting even" with Trump...
He actually made an entire movie JUST to serve this purpose.
Recall the movie that James Alefantis made? Although very dumb, I dont think even they see the movies they made as ahem fine art. Seems like these are made more as calling cards, serving a different purpose..
As in...."If you are picking up on the symbols I put in this movie and their meaning, then it is safe for you to contact me and I can get you what you need."
Hey @ABC why dont you guys just make a movie where the problem gets solved for you? You have the means and budget. Or would you rather make threat posts on Twitter to see if someone will take you up on your offer?
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