I’m So Sorry This Thread Is Massive: A Blurb of Thoughts on ADHD
love learning about adhd but wow is it kinda weird that so many people are finding out about it/that they have it like, kinda all at once? What sparked this? I guess it was steady growth over time but especially lately, i’m seeing a lot of it
i understand it can be confusing for some to be able to tell if they have it or not, cause a lot of the symptoms are pretty relateable for people it seems? Just take some time to learn about it in depth, and think about how much the symptoms/things have impacted your life
Idk for me when i started reading more about it and other people’s experiences it felt like i was looking in a mirror, like a ‘finally things make sense now!’ kind of feeling lol
Regardless, learning about adhd can be beneficial, because even if you don’t have it, some of the ways adhd people help themselves can help non-adhd people too. we have to work harder to figure out how to make things doable, so theres a lot of organizing tips and advice..
I’m rambling and im def not an expert or anything, but I’m a little concerned about ppl spreading misinformation accidentally and confusing people. I probably have done that before so I’m trying to be careful w what i share. You cant get all your info from people’s personal posts
When I talk about certain things I deal with, I have a lot of friends say to me “Doesnt everyone go through that?” or “Wait I go through that, do I have adhd?” And all I can say is “Possibly” Lol
it’s worth looking into for sure. Especially if you think it could be making your life way worse or just harder to handle in general. Cause it affects so many aspects of your life.. it’s your brain after all
I’m going to do my best to stay informed, because I dont want to spread misinformation or end up stressing ppl out;; I’m also not always good at explaining how it really affects me, so.. I want to help more, but I only know so much
( not really sure why I’m putting pressure on myself to be the adhd guru right now;; I just have a lot of thoughts!!!! this thread could go on forever oh my god)
It doesnt help that a lot of adhd sources are like.. “here’s how adhd affects your rambunctious son :) 15 parent tips!” So adults and esp adult women are like... hello.. do we not exist.. Cause it affects us differently!! (similar issue for autism sources 🙄 but i digress)
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