This could be my biography at this point. I don’t think people quite comprehend how exhaustively - and exhaustingly - single I am.
In this thread I will seek to explain...
Many people people read all the feminine cues I offer daily (makeup, manicure/pedicure, style of dress, etc. - if you’re a gender anarchist I’m sorry this is going to be less than ideal for you, but know that I am speaking on *my* behalf here) and scan me out as a man anyway
Could be height, could be voice, could be inattentiveness, I don’t care. The misgendering hurts but I’ve developed means of self-advocacy. Whatever. Let’s move on.
To the extent that anyone correctly reads woman, they’ll then read all those feminine markers and scan me out as attracted to men. This is why assumptions are bad - making an ass out of u ... and mptions ... not me tho
Three things:

• We’re still not quite at the place where men will openly flirt with a visibly trans woman
• I do all I can to ward off such flirtatious efforts, as soon as possible
• On dating apps, tons of men mindlessly swipe right on me, having never read my profile*
* I only know this third thing because one day I purposely set my bumble to “show me to everyone” and within minutes a dozen men and no new women were in my like queue. Waited it out, all of them cleared me out. Swipe right first, read later must be the mantra. Who cares
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