Seems like everyday I'm reminded that cowards will be just that...cowards. Here's a real easy lesson to remember: You don't run your mouth without expecting someone to call you out/punch you in it for talking shit. Far as I'm concerned those people will never amount to anything.
I've been told myself many a time that if you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen(or one of the many different ways to say this), I'd extend that same courtesy especially after being told "you don't like it then leave" roughly about 1,000 times this year.
I've also learned as I've grown up that when someone wants to be the bully, that you stand up to them and put their shit in the dirt. You don't get to be the bully then play the victim when feelings get hurt(abusers do that same shit btw).
I remember that tweet from Ice-T about how many people have been getting away with talking far to much shit on here without repercussions and sadly that still rings true even to this day. If @Twitter actually gave a shit, they'd clean house and problems would be solved...
But nah, they give to much of a shit about lining their pockets with the money of all the rich assholes that keep them running and tell them to let it slide by their joke of a "report" system.
Hope I got my point across with this thread before bed...
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