nobody will care about this but i had literally never felt so desperate and sad after indulging myself in a fictional world that's supposed to help me survive the day, be the tiniest of nudges that pushes me forward-
i cant help but feel that this has just one message and that message is not just fuck you. it's fuck this life. like with jasper-young people get depressed and kill themselves with bellamy it's i gave my heart away to people and people dont care. there's no kindness
in a world where very few care and we dont create lasting bonds that's just another reiteration of the fact that none of this matters. and if you see it in the fictional world as well as the real world then idk what you're trying to do but i guess you're succeeding
bellamy wasn't just the heart of the show, he was the HOPE of the show. he's always been that light they all strive towards now that helped THEM live another day and that hope is gone now. and that is what you tell people
that there's no hope, no light, no goodness, nothing lasting between people, no love or friendship.
it's just one giant pointless bs.
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