questions for my moots / non moots !

— a thread
first , what are your preferred pronouns ?
whats a name or nickname that you’d like to be called ?
how long have you had your anti twt acc ?
are you comfy with pet names like babe , love , or honey ?
are you okay with me or other people dming you to get closer ?
are you ok with people interacting continuously ?
what makes you happy ?
what makes you sad ?
what motivates you ?
any comfort characters ?
what makes you dislike someone ?
what makes you like someone ,
whats your nationality ?
a fave moot ?
a funny moot ?
moot you wanna get close with ?
have you struggled with self confidence ?
have you struggled with bad thoughts ?
are you a soft or horny moot ?
height ?
zodiac sign ?
are you single or taken ?
are you enjoying your time in anti twt ?
favourite colour ?
favourite drink ?
favourite food ?
favourite anime ?
are you an extrovert , ambivert or introvert ?
what are your goals in life ?
what’s something that made you feel happy today ?
do you know that you are loved ?
do you know that you are amazing ?
——— end of thread ! im excited to see all your answers
You can follow @freecsvv.
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