1/ The #priadel brand of #lithium is being withdrawn from the market. The company doing so also own #camcolit - the other brand available - and are increasing the price of this brand at the same time.
2/ Withdrawing #priadel will cost the NHS £15 million in direct drug costs alone. There will be increased workload for GPs, mental health services and phlebotomy at a time of unprecedented pressure on the system already.
3/ Patients will need extra blood tests, exposing them to unnecessary hazards during the pandemic. The impact of anxiety about all of this on the mental health of already vulnerable patients is unacceptable.
4/ This is urgent and already causing patient harm. @MattHancock @DrRosena @normanlamb Stop this happening #priadel #lithium #camcolit
6/ If you are taking #priadel, please don't panic - supplies are available into next year and we are working very hard to fix this. You will be looked after, any switch that has to happen will be done safely and carefully. Please speak to your health care team if you are worried.
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