Who oppresses women? Rich white men.
Who benefits from feminism NOT focusing on the oppression of women? Rich white men.
Who is transitioning? Rich white men.
Who is turning feminism toward trans rights instead of women's oppression? Rich white men.
Who profits? Rich white men.🤔
No one cared about 'trans rights' when it was about transvestites/drag performers/gay men turning tricks to survive as they weren't employable.

It blew up when hetero millionaires like Caitlyn Jenner, Marthine Rothblatt, Jennifer Pritzker etc. decided to be old men in dresses.
You'd think if 'trans people are trans right from the very beginning' then these blokes would have been supporting trans rights from the beginning. They had the MONEY, 'knew they were women' & were around during STAR, right?

But they ignored the LGBT because THEY AREN'T LGBT.
These MEN oppressed women, exploited workers, and benefited from insane amounts of male privilege to get to the top, then once they were past the point of needing the power suits, traded them in for slutty lingerie & pouring money into mainstreaming their fetish & IT'S WORKING.
"But Caitlyn Jenner didn't oppress women!"

He did - under his own roof. Lied to Kris Jenner about hormones through the marriage, blackmailed a hysterically-crying teenage Kim Kardashian to keep his secret & was caught on CCTV crossdressing in his daughters' room. TRAUMATIZING.
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