If you think poverty doesn’t increase suicides I’ll tell you why you’re wrong. A thread.... In Jan 2016 i lost my mother at the time i received a carers Pension and mum received the disability support pension. Sometimes money would get tight but we’d cope okay.
I’ve always been okay at budgeting and actually became savvy at it. We could afford mums medical costs bills and food. I had a lawnmower and a laptop I was paying off. After she died and I was put on Newstart the reality of the situation hit me. Not only had I lost
My mother but I now couldn’t afford to live. The lawnmower and laptop were swiftly repossessed. I couldn’t afford the internet and that was swiftly cut off too. I tried so hard to budget 550 a fortnight and realised that it was impossible that I’d have to sacrifice bills
Food and medical supplies. I stopped leaving the house because I couldn’t afford a 5 dollar coffee at a cafe so I just wouldn’t go. After a month of this I couldn’t cope I was scared each time the phone rang it be another creditor wanting money I didn’t have.
The day I attempted suicide I remember being hungry I hadn’t eaten for two days and there was another 3 days until pay day. I felt so hopeless in that moment. The thought went through my head that if I wasn’t on earth I wouldn’t need money and I wouldn’t feel hungry
So poverty is a huge leading cause to suicide I just hope this thread can help someone else to reach out I’m here if anyone new to jobseeker needs to talk or vent. Don’t give up we still have to fight for others and others are fighting with you ❤️❤️❤️
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