The psychological profiling of rapists in Pakistan is important to design interventions to prevent sex offences. At the moment, we do not have any data and limited capacity to undertake such assessments. Following is a model (MTC:R3) based on motivating dimension (why rape?):
1) Opportunistic rapist: Offence is unplanned, impulsive, for sexual gratification, with force used as necessary. Driven largely by immediate antecedent events (situational factors) rather than personal psychopathology, eg late night, isolation, alone woman, no witnesses etc.
2) Anger rapist: His offence is driven by extreme aggression, severe violence, can lead to serious physical injury to the victim. There is usually a history of other anti-social offences as well.
3) Sexual rapist: He is driven by preoccupation with sexual fantasies and urges, best described by a clinical diagnosis of a type of Paraphillic disorder.
4) Sexually non-sadistic rapist: He is also driven by sexual fantasies and urges, but the sexual arousal is inappropriate in nature (e.g., fetish- where gratification is linked to an object/activity, body part). This is associated with feelings of inadequacy re masculinity/sex.
5) Sexually sadistic rapist: His motivation is not sexual but driven by fantasies of degradation and humiliation of the victim with primary gain of power and control (diagnosis is sexual sadism).
6) Vindictive rapist: He is driven by anger, but his anger and aggression is focussed exclusively on women (unlike the angry rapist). His behaviour is intended to humiliate and degrade victims with little/no evidence of eroticised aggression and low levels of impulsivity.
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