Hey #acwri & #phdchat folks, this seemed like a good moment to share:
I'm now a tenured associate prof at a well-resourced R1 in a supportive dept; I've got a good pub record & am doing work I enjoy; & impostor syndrome is kicking my butt right now.

Here's the deal:

I know, objectively, that I know what I need to know AND I know how to learn what I don't yet know to do my work.

I'm working with a great team of people.

The work will all get done.

And yet....

I just spent half an hour trying to figure out how best to word an email to a co-author about something because I dropped the ball, want him to know I did, want him to know I'm fixing it, and that I really am not a total idiot (really really please believe me?)

And the great thing is, he's an understanding, kind, thoughtful guy. Those are the kinds of people I try to work with. Good, kind ppl.

And yet my first thought was, "He's not going to want to work with me after this, they're going to drop-kick me off the team, oh crap..."

And so after sitting here stewing for way too long, I sat back and took a breath and realized that this feeling - this insecurity and feeling small and stupid... this is impostor syndrome.

So now I'll take a deep breath, move on, and do the work. And it will all be OK.

So, if you're wrestling with insecurities and feeling like you don't measure up to the people around you - just remember:

You're great. You can do this. It all gets done. You're not an impostor. Go do the things you do and feel good about them.

*Side note: Surround yourself with kind people you enjoy working with, it makes a big difference*

Also, if you read to the end of this thread you deserve a prize or something.

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