Questions thread some important, some not.
1) Why don't they make Ham and mustard crisps anymore?.
2) What the hell is cis?
3) Why does the term "white" encompass so many ethnicities and then used to say "white is racist against other ethnicities?
4) Why are lemon bon bons no longer dusted or lemony or hard in the middle?!
5) If masks make you loose 02,how comes pre covid mask countries people didn't faint everywhere?
6) If 5G caused covid,why didn't it attack 5G predomant countries first?
7) Why can't countries people vote on sentences for crimes ,a base line if it's a democratic country, like vote murder gets a certain minimum sentence?
8) Why aren't broadcasters giving people what they want for higher ratings rather than drip feeding stuff we don't want?
9) Why doesn't the country get a say on what's taught in schools rather than them deciding what they should learn and forcing you to send them to learn it?
10) Why is it a phobia to dislike something now?
11) Why are there multiple charities for the same issues?
12) Why is tech so advanced yet, we still can't see our mobile screen on a sunny day.
13) Why does all plastic get banned instead of them making machines that can recycle it? Give me back my plastic straws! (No one say metal,its gross!) You can't see inside to clean it!
14) Why is everything about being equal? Men do hard muscle work, I wouldn't want to be physically one!,why can't people just do what they are personally best at? Because we aren't all equal, it's an impossible idea.
15) Why is it its socks,keys,remotes that go missing?!
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