so here i am. 10:33 pm. less than 12 hours until the RTX 3080 drops. there are 15 cards available. i was 14th in line. i will keep you all updated throughout the night.
update: someone had their friend bring them mcdonald's. i hunger.
update: i have begun to shiver. i am cold and im hungry.
update: they have booted up smash
update: roommate is bringing me burger and a hoodie
update: store opens in 8 1/2 hours. more people have been arriving despite informing them of the availability of cards. their motives confuse me.
7 more hours. this is no longer fun or cute. i wanna be comfortable again.
i wanna go home :( 6.5 more hours
update: store opens in 3 hours, there are about 30-40 people waiting in line. the manager came out to speak to us and said that there are 10 cards in the store and that 5 cards MIGHT be arriving later today. so i waited 13 hours for the chance to maybe buy an RTX 3080.
the sun begins to rise. my pain and anger do the same.
even after management has informed everyone of the shortages, there are still 30 or so people in line. we've counted off and everything but there are people that still aren't leaving even though they aren't getting anything. these people puzzle me.
update: about an hour and a half until the doors open and our status has not changed. 10 of us are guaranteed to get cards. unfortunately, i am not among those 10. i may or may not get a card today. all depends on shipping
people have wrapped around the store... more are coming, despite all GPUS having been claimed 12 hours ago. THERE ARE 10 CARD IN THIS STORE
40 more minutes. the massive crowd remains.
update: ive been offered as much as $300 for my spot. nobody in line seems willing to take less than $500 for their place. no sales or trades have occurred yet.
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