We're all preppers now. Whether we want to be or not. It's hard to think about, but we're just in the opening credits to the apocalypse movie. This is the calm before the storm. This is your moment to get ready. We can get through this. A thread.
Remember: most people survive the collapse of their way of life, most of the time. The end of the world isn't always, or even usually, the uh... end of the world.
Prepping is community-focused or it's nonsensical. Talking to your neighbor is more important than building a bunker. Buying two good-enough of whatever you need and giving one to a friend is a better use of your money than buying the really nice thing that costs 2x as much.
Prepping is about getting yourself and others ready so that in times of crisis, you're able to have a grounded position with which to help others (and in turn to help them get grounded so they can help you and others in return.)
Prepping can be done at nearly any income level. It's not about the fanciest stuff. It's not even, really, about "stuff," at the end of it. Though sometimes it's also about stuff.
Think about what crises you're worried about (natural disaster, pandemic, and fascist takeover seem to be on a lot of people's minds for some reason). Think about what you might need ahead of time, or for the next time. Think about what you wish you'd had.
Build "resilient communities." Make plans not just with your friends, but with your actual neighbors if you can. "If the power goes out, who has a generator?" on one end of the scale.
On the other end of the scale, "If the food network breaks down, who can operate that train to bring grain out to the coasts so it doesn't rot in the silo?"
What do you need in the short term? This isn't so You Alone Can Survive In the Woods With a Hatchet Eating Squirrels You Hit With The Aforementioned Hatchet. This is about making sure you can weather small scale interruptions and stay grounded.
Everything you get you should practice with as much as you can, but sometimes that amount is "basically not at all" and that's okay. If you carry a gunshot wound kit (called an IFAK) and you get shot, that gear is for the person treating you.
If you've got 2 bic lighters on you at all times like I do (it's a good idea!) maybe you don't have time to learn firebuilding, which would be ideal, but instead you have them on you so another person can start a fire to keep you warm.
When covid first hit, I had some N95s (in case of earthquake i guess) I was able to get to first responders and to my mother, who caretakes an elderly family member. That was when it really sunk in that prepping is about having your own shit down so you can help others.
Whenever possible, buy the stuff BEFORE the specific crisis. Like, I should own an air purifier and some filters for DIY air purification, but I don't, and I'm not going to buy them now because the limited supply needs to go to the west coast. When shit calms down, I'll get some.
I'll be posting threads with specifics over time, and I share more information on my podcast Live Like the World is Dying. I'm not an expert, very few people really are and most who claim to be are lying. I'm just a girl trying to survive the end of the world like the rest of us.
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