Hey. It's okay if you have to increase your psychiatric meds right now, or if you decide to start or restart one.

You're not "weak" or "unable to deal." You're doing what you need to do to maintain mental health during a really traumatic time.

You're doin' great. ✨
Also, hi. If you stepped back from your sobriety because things got really hard, that's okay.

You get to decide what serves you and what's workable in your life right now. Wherever you are is exactly okay.

Just reach out to someone you trust if you need to, alright? 🌱
And hello! If you've slipped back into less-than-ideal coping mechanisms right now, welcome to the club. If your coping mechanisms are totally legit but still not cutting it, you're not the only one.

Everything is different. It's going to take time to figure out what works. 💗
FYI: Things are allowed to just... suck right now.

It doesn't mean there's something you need to fix, a book you need to read, a skill you need to build.

Things can just be lousy without a call to action. Sometimes we need exactly the opposite & we need to just be with it. 🌱
Anyway, be nice to yourselves, everybody. Don't be mean to my friends~

(Yes we're friends now)
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