“Oh you drive and got an apartment, that’s great for you.”

I’ve been getting comments like these when people find out I’m autistic. I know that they have good intentions but those comments still make me uncomfy.
It indicates the stereotype that autistic people are always mentally in a child state. Just because I live independently and can drive (sort of) I’m still autistic just like everyone else.
I still have meltdowns over big things and small things, I still can’t understand social ques like flirting or sexual context, I stim.

Just because I tend to “blend in” with Nurotypicals I’m still autistic.
And sometimes those people who give me those comments also show autistic traits. There’s so many people who are undiagnosed autistic. You can be autistic and wouldn’t know it because autism portrays differently in everybody.
Just because I can do things that nerotypicals can do, doesn’t mean that those who can’t do those tasks are not worthy.
This is why I don’t like functioning labels. All autistics are valid and worthy to live on this Earth. Just because they don’t live to YOUR standards doesn’t mean my life is a success story.
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