The thing that annoys me the most about @seanfeucht is that he could be going to these cities and raising awareness to white Christians about how horrible and hard things are for people right now.
Instead, his goal is to make these places seem full of rioters and sad people who have never heard a worship song in their life before--and then claim persecution when people (rightfully) protest his anti-mask and anti-protest ways.
He's just one more smart dude who understands you can absolutely capitalize financially on nurturing the persecution complex of white Christians.
But what makes him worse than other Christian grifters is his goal of silencing Black Lives Matter protests by shouting his triumphalistic praise songs (that you can buy on his website!) in the places where people are gathering to mourn and protest police brutality.
now him and his people are marching through the streets of Chicago singing songs through a bullhorn . . . imagine if they showed up and did that in support of Black Lives Matter? Imagine if they had a framework where they protested for the rights of OTHER PEOPLE?
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