Today during a "Days of the Week/Spanish" review my 7yo & I were discussing the origin of the names for both English & Spanish. When discussing the origin of "Sabado" for Saturday I told him about the Sabbath correlation w/explanation in the Old Testament for God's..
...creation of the universe in 6 days and resting on the Sabbath. Upon hearing this he stopped me & said "wait, but if God created everything then who created God? " I told him that it was an excellent question. I did not guide or plant info, but proceeded to read the Kalam 2/
...cosmological argument & asked him what he thought of it. W/a confused look he said "it doesn't make sense." I read it again & he repeated himself. When I asked him why, he said "if everything had a cause then God would have to have a cause."

Point 7 years old kids..3/
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