Oh yeah, and buy games from trans creators/developers w/ trans staff.

For those who can't afford to do the donation thing I recommended (the "don't buy is the only option" route), save that money for games like Celeste, EXTREME MEAT PUNKS FOREVER and Secret Little Haven. https://twitter.com/DreamsRestless/status/1306394765030756352
One other thing to note: I don't expect our actions here to "erase" years of persecution and under-representation. I don't like the fact that any Harry Potter product is directly profited off of by a confirmed transphobe.

Ideally, no one would buy this period.
However, the decision to not buy this not only doesn't effect Rowling's or WB Games' bottom line, it hurts the people who actually worked on it in this massive recession. It's a terrible situation we're in, no doubt about it.
I will say as well that I am a cis straight white male, so I can't speak from experience. I'll never be able to know this, and I'd rather boost other voices via RT/petitions/protests/etc than try and speak on said groups behalf.
If the head message of this thread (or even the thread in its entirety) is counteractive, I do apologize for that and want to continue improving. If that means I delete this thread and say absolutely no further word on this game, so be it.

I just wanted to lay out the logic.
BTW, if you've read this far, thank you for reading. I really do appreciate it.
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