1/ Feminism is thought of as occurring in 3 waves. The first wave starting in the 19th C focused on giving women equal contract and property rights and opposing the ownership of women by their husbands. Later voting was added to the list. #ONEV1 #FAF
2/ The second wave focused on issues of equality and discrimination. During this period there was a failed attempt to pass the Equal Rights Amendment but the movement gained momentum through the hard work of activists like Betty Friedan & Gloria Steinem. https://vox.com/2018/3/20/16955588/feminism-waves-explained-first-second-third-fourth
3/ With this movement came the call for women to gain control of their reproductive rights. Birth control and abortion rights came to the fore during this wave. Although not all battles were won the ones that were gave women the power to persist.
4/ Black sisters however, found themselves to be grossly under represented. In the first wave the women and abolitionist movements were intertwined. During the 2nd wave, black women found themselves alienated for example, in addition to reproductive rights, black women wanted to
5/ fight against sterilization of POC & people with disabilities. The third-wave sees women’s lives as defined by race, ethnicity, class, religion, gender & nationality. The result of the Intersectionality of oppression resulted in unity, diversity & inclusion.
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