Me infiltrating a Republican Clubhouse

So I was BORED AS HELL. There was nothing to do and I've been suspicious about what be going down over there. I wanted to see for myself, so I went up close and personal.

*Disclaimer* I am EXTREMELY aligned with the Democratic Party, I aint no self hatin c00n.
I get over there and I get my David Alexander on because I need to make sure my story is done RIGHT. I told them I was from another town and that my name was Jason. I told the truth about me being a military kid so that it would be more believable and that im new to town.
I get in and all of these people are nice, but there were ALOT of people without masks and just people in general. There were 100 people in that building and alot of them were just talking and drinking. It really was like a club. And to my shock, there were 40 black ppl in there.
Alot of them even had their KIDS in there. No mask or NOTHING. I was just smiling and waving when the main ladies in charge gave me info and talked about how much they LOVE facebook. And I threw in "I hate Twitter because of all the fake sjws on there" and they CHEERED
The guy said, "You prefer the real sjws or the ones online" And I acted like it was the FUNNIEST thing that I ever heard. I saw these signs all over that said shit that Biden kills babies and all that and I was trying SO hard not to laugh the whole time. Then they asked for I.D.
So at this point I'm like, "What?" And they said they ask everyone for I.D. so they can give information out to them, but I already lied about my name so I "felt around" for my wallet and pretended I left it at home. And then they told me to write my email and my name instead 😭
I was about to be caught so I changed the subject and cracked a joke, but afterwards I went to look around. I ran into this black seminar and one of the well known reverends was there talking all kinds of p*rch monk*ys and c00ns about Atl black ppl and I realized sumn
I had fucked a few ppl from that hall and didnt even realize. And I was like HOLY SHIT. Even 2 of the white guys I saw I messed with b4 and had NO idea. My brothers teachers were there, some old coworkers... Shit was fucking crazy. I kept my head low and kept walking.
So thats when the lady goes, you're a pretty nice kid. I know someone at the pizza place next door and I'mma tell them to give you some free stuff. I also want you to come to the breakfast next month. And I'm all sure sure and I see someone I know turn the corner and I look away
She says, anything else I could help you with? I know how hard it is being a black republican and all, especially if your parents dont approve. We have scholarships and loans we award to people like you. She said "You could be a part of something great" with a creepy smile
At this point its my time to GO and she was like, I cant wait to talk to you again Jason!!! And I kept on walking to the car and basically screamed omfg. I got the free pizza and the lady who works there and knows me gave me a LOOK. and then winked.
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