I wrote about the apocalyptic death cult of White Christian Evangelicism when Trump was elected, and I truly wish it were growing less relevant. https://hazlitt.net/feature/year-apocalypses https://twitter.com/tommyxtopher/status/1078298857434501120
(The Rapture is a very recent largely American invention that grew out of the same sinister and textually baseless theological underpinnings as Prosperity Gospel exceptionalism - the profoundly unchristian idea that a chosen elect can be exempted from worldly suffering.)
The Rapture is airline Preferred Boarding elevated to the status of theology, and it would have made Christ puke.
The Rapture as cognitive meme is everywhere - its secular post-humanist stink is all over, for example, Elon Musk.

If the world is rendered unliveable, we can just leave it behind.
The Rapture and Prosperity Gospel go hand in hand:

-the world grows visibly worse
-I, however, as a rich white person, am not suffering
-my lack of suffering indexes my virtuousness
-these consequences will NEVER reach me, bc I will be made eschatologically exempt in the finale
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