My friend called the cops when I was self harming once. They didn’t let me change out of my sports bra/boxers, cuffed me, threw me in a cruiser, left me at the hospital with no phone, money or ID, and I had to walk an hour home from the hospital in my bra/boxers in the snow after
If I hadnt been suicidal before all that, I sure as hell woulda been after. Two cop cars also passed me when I was walking home on campus and did not stop to make sure the girl in boxers and a sports bra in the snow was ok. That was the day I officially learned to hate cops.
However, the first time my house burned down, the firefighters carried both my kitty bois and me out the second floor window and then gave my bois their own little stretcher in the ambulance and baby oxygen masks. Firefighters are the shit. Fuck cops, but fuck firefighters.
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