some examples of alt styles and their names specifically to help u understand what they are !!!! a thread

*please remember that all styles are generalized and flexable :) not everything is the same !!
also pls comment any to add.
trad goth
nu goth
visual kei
mall goth
decora (lolita)
pastel lolita
goth lolita

(the last one is an example of a kandi kid, being an overlapping type of style with some other things but often seen at raves or in that scene)

(im not 100% on this one, but it often includes lots of plaid and baggy/ oversized clothing)
emo (often similar to dark scene fashion)
cybergoth (sometimes similar outfits to mall goth)
i would also like to add- to identify with an alt type or anything like that, you dont need to be rich or dress like that to the extreme. its what you are to the core !! and conservatives cannot be alt.
y2k (?)
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