I know we talked about online safety yesterday but in the wake of the internet's self-righteous war against Fabricland Jan™, I feel the need to point out how completely demented it is to believe someone deserves to have physical safety threatened for going viral on the internet
One of the tweeters amplifying her exposure (which means, to amplify the danger Fabricland Jan™ is now in) feels justified doing so.

But in less than 10 mins I was able to find out the tweeter's home address and church with Google.

We are all safe until we're not.
Does Fabricland Jan™ deserve consequences for her actions? Yes. Namely a fine & assault charge for not following mask by-laws.

Does she deserve to have her and her family's physical safety put at risk by giving their identities and address to psychopaths online? No.
I know it seems like justice is being served to tear down someone who is doing something wrong.

But we can't live in a world where a misstep is a possible death sentence at the hand of internet vigilantes.

YOU have to live in that world too and someday it will come back on YOU
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