So I feel pretty crummy as a T right now. If you have time, and if you can read what’s below, I would appreciate advice. 1/5
Classes are synchronous.
Cameras are optional and largely off.
Chat is used, but not by everyone.
I have a Nearpod collaborate board open so Ss can ask Qs anonymously throughout class.
Google meet crashes when I try breakouts. 2/5
I teach math from an iPad mirrored to my screen. Largely positive feedback from Ss on how that’s working.
Am using Desmos for a variety of things, which helps as Ss who are not talking otherwise do tend to engage there. 3/5
I feel crummy because we’re really only talking about math. We don’t know each other well, and I’m struggling at how to get quiet, blank screens to engage with each other.
Right now, with current tech, breakout rooms just aren’t an option. 4/5
Any ideas on how we can learn more about each other? I am just desperate to talk about more than math. Classes right now feel completely alien to me. I really don’t recognize these classes as ones I am part of. 5/5
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