"Believe the victim" means 'facilitate an environment where victims feel safe and comfortable coming forward.' It DOES NOT mean 'blindly believe everything the accuser says.'
"Believe the victim" means don't doubt, or disbelieve an accuser. Support them. It DOES NOT mean 'condemn the accused without evidence."
"I'd rather believe a liar than a rapist." This is a FALSE DICHOTOMY, a logical fallacy in which a statement falsely claims there are two mutually exclusive options, without acknowledging middle ground.
"I'd rather believe a liar than a rapist." If the accuser is a liar, you didn't just believe a liar, but supported a criminal who viciously attacked someone in an attempt to ruin their life. How is that better?
Calling someone accused of groping a rapist erases the experiences of those who have been raped.
"Sexual assault is difficult to prove." Since the original accuser is the only one who hasn't been discredited, all they need to do is provide the time and location of the incident. If there is evidence to support or disprove the claim, the internet will surely find it.
It can be hard for victims to come forward because of fear of being disbelieved and shamed. But this accuser has received overwhelming support and been believed unquestioningly. With that support, they should be able to speak up once more to provide details.
Until they provide those details, they have no credibility.
The "funny" thing is, some of you shared nudes of a random man, thinking it was Woojin. Sharing nudes without consent is SEXUAL ASSAULT. How ironic.
Or perhaps you were just part of the hoard who verbally assaulted him, bullied him while calling him a bully.
Saying "I'm not reading all that" when presented with evidence is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears, shouting "NA NA NA NA NA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" because you can't admit you could be wrong.
You feel justified in participating in this hate campaign because of rumors, out-of-context video clips, (which we all loved before), peer influence, and your flawed interpretation of the 'believe the victim' principle (which one is the victim?). You're not justified.
If Woojin is proven innocent, I hope you all feel deeply ashamed of yourselves. Even if he's not, I have never been more ashamed of the STAY fandom. Chris said you're better than that. He was wrong. Grow up & get your heads on straight before it's too late.
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