We’ve now all heard the allegations about unwanted hysterectomies being performed on women in detention camps. A lot of people are skeptical because of some sense that “this is not who we are.”

Unfortunately, a country that sterilizes “undesirables” is EXACTLY what America is.
America’s love affair with eugenics dates back to the early 1900s. As more immigrants came here, people became fixated on how to preserve “Anglo-Saxon superiority.”
Not yet ready for gas chambers, in 1907 Indiana approved a “sterilization law” that allowed mental facilities to sterilize patients they deemed unfit. That could range from anyone from those of Mexican-American descent to homosexuals.
In 1927, the Supreme Court voted 8 to 1 to uphold State’s right to sterilize undesirables. That decision was made after Buck vs. Bell.
There was probably very little wrong with her other than the fact that she was raped and impregnated by the nephew of her wealthy foster family, who would rather call her feebleminded and have her institutionalized than deal with the fallout.
Nonetheless, the Eugenics board declared that she should be sterilized as she was “from a shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of people.” Not only was SHE sterilized, but so were her mother and sister.
Her sister had been told the operation was to have her appendix out. When she found out its real purpose she claimed, “I broke down and cried. My husband and me wanted children desperately. We were crazy about them.” ( https://fredericksburg.com/local/justice-at-last-for-victims-of-sterilization/article_014f72d4-8199-517c-8f4b-0722483aa876.html).
Women of color were especially likely to be subjected to this. By 1946, it was estimated that “6.5 percent of Puerto Rican women had been sterilized by government hospitals and private clinics.” By 1953, that number had jumped to nearly 17%. ( https://twu.edu/media/documents/history-government/Autonomy-Revoked--The-Forced-Sterilization-of-Women-of-Color-in-20th-Century-America.pdf)
So please, be outraged by the hysterectomies. We all should be. But the next time someone tells you it’s simply unbelievable that could happen in America, ask them why on earth they would think that.
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