It was one thing for the Chief Medical Officer of Health to share a stage with the premier and politicians.

Which is a clear breach of principles and operational procedures laid out in the SARS Report and our Pandemic Plans.

Performing in a promo video is leveling up.
This is unacceptable.

It is the most foul breach of proven principles public health management I could imagine.

It could not get worse than this.

He has blown up the credibility of his office.
It does not get worse than aiding the personal PR efforts of a politician, a Minister of Education, who does not hold the confidence of 80% of parents.

It is NOT the job of the CMOH to make any politician look good.
How can Ontarians trust the Chief Medical Officer of Health when he actively supports the personal PR efforts of a man who is a proven liar?

A man who dedicates his time to smearing teachers, and warring with them?
This CMOH has leapt from confusing and ineffective...

To shockingly incompetent and a political puppet.

A grievous cautionary tale for history.

If we have an able govt one day, they will have to change and reform the whole definition and concept of the CMOH bc of this man
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