Office hours: are they pointless? Not at all. But treated as an afterthought they are not only pointless. They’re probably counterproductive. What do I mean? In the spring I used the office hours in my Books to Help us Survive course as a “support time.” Ss were “expected”...1/12
Counterproductive. Now I’ve got several students feeling like I am wasting their time one day a week (even as I am wishing they would go enjoy a book in the park anyway!) And students already struggling not only not taking advantage of O.H. But resenting the “extra work.” 3/12
I should mention this is not a “kid problem.” Even we adults don’t know what we don’t know. I offered office hrs all summer for the teachers who chose to work on curriculum and earn a stipend. Barely ever had company. But I’d hear thru the grapevine “X is confused about..” 4/12
When we vent (or internally fret) we often aren’t aware there is a solution or we are problematizing something that’s not a problem. If only we knew. Man, we all do it. Kids maybe do it more. So: no nudges? What to do? Schedule them all for some time? Maybe. Or better yet... 5/12
Give an assignment the day before that requires feedback (they all should, shouldn’t they?) O.H. Is for going and reviewing your feedback. Hit me up in the chat/on my zoom if you have Q’s (and expect me to hit you up too!) and then implement the feedback? Done? Ur done. 6/12
I had a T observe me doing this today. Student (N) submitted some 🔥 responses but she missed a REALLY important detail about the video they were writing about (namely that it wasn’t about just ANY ppl struggling but about immigrants at the southern border.) Script below: 7/12
Me: Re-read your response to part B N: The video is about the struggles people face and the sacrifices they make for their family. Me: Great point...Re- read the title. N: “At the Wall...Oh, like...” Me: Heard that term a lot? 8/12
N: So it’s like...Immigrants. Like from Mexico?
Me: Yeah, I think its about immigrants from not just Mexico but also Central American and So Am countries. Now that you read the title, would that change your answer? After a few more exchanges I sent the S back 2 it. 9/12
During that time I had the T note the questions I asked and also track on my classroom how many students were active (about half.) That was a ten minute window. Q’s I asked the T after: What are you currently doing with O.H.? Do you find it effective? Anything from... 10/12
This approach you like? I explained I would probably “pop in” on 3-4 other students who really needed a convo to rapidly move forward. And the rest were reviewing my written feedback. Three ended up chatting me for help on their own. With 30 min left of a 90 min block, my.. 11/12
Student tab was quiet. No action. 10/17 had implemented feedback. 3 logged in and didn’t really do anything nor reach out for help. 4 no- shows. Now I have my data. And, so, it didn’t keep them all glued to a screen for 90 minutes (praise be, if you ask me.) END
H/t @Yo_Mista for putting me into the link which beautifully subscribed something I was doing, but wasn’t even aware I was doing (nudging.) You don’t know what you don’t know.
Beautifully *described* daggumit. #remotelearning #remoteteaching makes me tired.
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