So Chris Rock is autistic.

"His decision to seek meaningful a friend’s suggestion he may have Asperger’s. It prompted a nine-hour battery of cognitive tests earlier this year, from which doctors diagnosed Rock with a condition called nonverbal learning disorder" 1/3
"or NVLD. As he’s come to understand it, he has tremendous difficulty with non-verbal signals — which doesn’t sound too drastic until, as he explains, you consider that some 80 percent of communication is nonverbal. "And all I understand are the words," he says." 2/3
Of course, even when it's a celebrity, someone who's not a white cis man can't get an autism diagnosis. #DisabilityTooWhite 3/3
While you're here, please help #FreeOsimeBrown who is black and autistic, will be deported soon, and went to prison for preventing a cell phone theft -
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