So it turns out our whole "economy", our complex ecosystems of organised work, are a really fragile house of cards that relies on people being 'free' to work while their children are looked after by other people (paid or unpaid) - childminders, nurseries, schools... (who knew?!)
And yet children, services for children, education, care and nurturing of children, are NOWHERE in the public discourse of what it takes for us to recover - economically, or indeed psychologically - from the pandemic
Worse than nowhere, they are sidelined and dismissed as least likely to die, most culpable for spreading the disease....

Our society OUGHT to be learning about the nature of family, community, society and the economy, is that how we treat children is the very HEART of the matter
Yet we have childcare for children before school age, and for looking after children in care, that is perniciously expensive (despite government subsidy) - while being some of the worst paid sectors of employment in the country
Growing numbers of children and parents find that schools, funded by their taxes, reject and exclude their children, or treat them so badly they withdraw them from school....without any thought of what that means for the parents employability in the economy.....
And today, we have a Prime Minister, who can't even publicly confirm how many children he has, declaring that all children must *stay* at school even when infection is suspected, unless & until his failed testing regime *proves* they, their teachers and their families are at risk
There are many things about this period that have blown my mind, scared me and made me feel I am living under a malicious regime. But today it just snapped.

Our rulers have reckless contempt for our children, and they fail to understand how important they are to EVERYTHING.
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