For instance, what does it mean that the survey showed two-thirds of young adults were unaware of 6m deaths in the Holocaust? Are they deniers?
No. This "two-thirds" figure includes people who overestimated (thinking it was 20 million), people who were at least in the same order of magnitude (2 million), and people who just said they weren't sure what the number was. (Likely, they still think it was "a lot.")
The same exact survey asked people whether they believe the Holocaust happened. 96% of Millennials say the Holocaust happened, and 1% say it did not.
@peterbakernyt (whom I otherwise admire) says that "Almost a quarter of young adults in America (23%) said they believed the Holocaust was a myth or had been exaggerated or weren’t sure."
That's just not the result in this table. (Right-hand column is Millennials.) 1% say Holocaust was a myth. "Not sure" refers to "which statements closest to your views," not whether you are sure the Holocaust happened or not. But you wouldn't know it from much of the coverage!
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